Mikhail I.Shtilman

Mikhail I.Shtilman

Head of Department,
Mendeleyev University, Russia

Mikhail I.Shtilman is the head of Biomaterials department and professor at the Mendeleyev University of Chemical Technology of Russia. He completed his Ph.D. Diploma in 1964 and D.Sc. Degree in chemistry in 1985. His main research interests lie in the synthetic design of polymeric biomaterials with specific properties – biocompatibility, compatibility with blood, biodegradability, bioactivity – for medicine, agriculture, biotechnology, genetic engineering. He developed a new two-semester course of lectures for masters and graduated students “Application of Biomaterials. He is research supervisor of 45 Ph.D. theses and 4 D.Sc. Author of more 850 articles, patents, theses, and 7 monographs. He was awarded The Leibnitz Medal, The Leonard Euler Medal, “Orden of Ehre” by European Academy of Natural Sciences.